Thursday 15 April 2010

Its all about circles

First things first, my foot works again. Which is good.

I got an old bike... need to make it a working old bike now...

Its ironic really, 15 years ago I was tinkering with pushbikes. I guess things have come full circle, so to say.

I left my job yesterday. After 2 1/2 years. I should be glad to go, the company has messed me about, made me redundant etc, yet I'm still sad about it.

Another circular thing is re-enacting... for those that don't know what it is, google it

I'm looking to get involved again. not in the same group I was previously, but a completely different one. But we will see.

So watch this space...

Things that are good;
Friends (still)
New job (I hope)

Whats on repeat on my Ipod;
The Puppini Sisters.

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